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Paris Advent Calendar known errors and anomalies

This FAQ contains known issues in the Paris Advent Calendar and any solutions/workarounds. If the problem you're encountering is not listed here, please see our full list of Advent Calendar FAQs.

I can't click the baubles! (Fixed)

There is a bug on some devices where nothing happens or there is only a brief visual stutter after clicking a bauble in the main scene. This has been fixed in the latest version so please update your Advent Calendar. Please also see below for instructions on how to update your Advent Calendar.

I can't sign in to the Advent Calendar! (Fixed)

There was a bug in the system wherein some users were experiencing problems logging in after opening the Paris Advent Calendar. This has since been fixed, so if you were affected by this issue then please update your Advent Calendar and try again. Please also see below for instructions on how to update your Advent Calendar.

If you are still having trouble, please first ensure that you have activated your Advent Calendar. If you are using a VPN, please also disable it.

If this does not solve the problem, please contact our helpline by taking the third option at the end of this page.

My Android device says there isn't enough space to download the Advent Calendar!

Android requires free space that is double the size of an app to install. When installed on a device, the Paris Advent Calendar uses about 2GB of space so please ensure that you have at least 4GB of free space on your Android device before attempting to download and install the Advent Calendar. Unfortunately, this is a limitation of Android itself and not our app.

How do I update my Advent Calendar?

Windows 10/11 and MacOS

For Windows 10/11 and MacOS computers, your Advent Calendar should update automatically when you open it. Please first ensure that it is closed and you have a stable internet connection, and then open your Advent Calendar.

iOS Devices

To update the Advent Calendar on iOS, please do so from the Apple App Store.

Android Devices

To update the Advent Calendar on Android, please do so from the Google Play Store.