How do I uninstall the Country Cottage
First please make sure that the Country Cottage is not running on your device.
Windows 10
Right-click the Start button in the lower, left hand corner of the screen, then select Apps and Features from the pop-up menu. Then scroll down the list of programs until you find JL Country Cottage. Click on it, and take the option to uninstall.
Apple Mac computers
Drag the relevant application folder (e.g. "JL Country Cottage") to the Trash.
iOS app
Please see Apple's instructions to uninstall an app.
Android app
Please see Google's instructions to uninstall an app.
How do I uninstall the Summer Garden or Kitchen expansion pack?
You cannot uninstall the expansion packs independently of the Country Cottage. When you uninstall the Country Cottage, all expansion packs will also be uninstalled.
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