I have changed my email address
If you have changed your email address since you joined jacquielawson.com, it's very important to let us know. Otherwise not only will we be unable to contact you if we need to, but also your old email address will appear as the sender on any ecards you send to your friends!
Fortunately you can change our record of your email address very easily online, as follows.
On our website
If you are not already logged on, then log on now by clicking the "Log On" button which you'll find in the top right hand corner of every page of our site, and then entering your email address and password on the following page.
It's very important that you log on using your old email address — i.e. the address we currently hold for you, as opposed to your new one. Otherwise our computer won't recognise you.
If you cannot remember your password please read this FAQ: I have forgotten my password.
When you have logged on successfully, click My Details in the top corner next to the welcome message. Then click Personal Information and then click Update Information, and you'll be able to enter your new email address (and other details).
Using our app
Tap More, then My Details, and then tap Edit opposite your email address and type in your new address. View more information on our ecards app here.
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